Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fei's new hair style

Haha, my new look! Am i looked 5 yrs younger?

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Moving house soon

Yes, we are going to move house on 5th Feb... one day before new year eve.
So many thing not yet done. Sigh... renovation also not yet completed, a bit worried until he called the contractor today...

Having multiple contractors for your house renovation is not a good thing -> cost saving but very messy! Many gaps found and they will blame each other when problem comes...

Terry Posing

Which one is doggie?? :)

Well, he is having headache so frequently... not sure whether it is because of high blood pressure! Lack of sleep? Lack of exercise? Too much pressure? Too much softdrink?

Better control him on his diet now... no more beef...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Someone betrayed me

Yes, someone betrayed both terry and I.
I am so dissapointed on her...

It's about one of our old post, well..that piece of info some how travelled to my mum(which we tried to avoid).
And guess what? My mum is going to kill me! Both me and terry are in deep shit!! Goshhhhh...

I never thought she will tell my mum about this. Don't really understand what she gained by doing that? Come on... you gain nothing, but we are in trouble. Unless you are telling me that it makes you happy by seeing us in this tough situation....arhh...

Is there a way to block a particular person to view this blog? I guess not...

Friday, January 18, 2008

Posing for camera

Fei did this post herself, i did not force her to do so... look alike huh?
(She is going to kill me....)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Continue Taiwan trip @ 六福村主题乐园

Entrance ticket + bus ticket (from TaiPei) all together NT1000 per person! Basically it is just like Disneyland... but of course Disney still better as everything is original one! Here got more animals lo... found out some cartoons very fake one :(

Just over the Halloween, that is why still have so many Pumpkin decoration!

I think Terry will feel dizzy even looking at the picture now... Yeah, we made it!!

Got 4 zones - South Pacific, Wild Wild West, Africa and Middle East.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

It's already been 1 year since Fei and I got married. Thanks for everything..LAO POH!

p/s: this blog also 1-year-old today!

Sunday, January 13, 2008




从台中乘巴士去嘉义,新台币150元,之后被巴士司机骗了,走路去北门站等阿里山小火车。其实可以直接在嘉义站乘搭小火车的。我们没事先买车票,结果呢?先上车后补票啰! 新台币399元,而且整个4小时半的车程没位子坐的哦! 回的时候我们就乘坐巴士至往嘉义站,只须新台币214元,又有位子坐啰!






Thursday, January 10, 2008


要说我们在台湾所吃过的小吃,我和逸会不约而同的对炸鸡排冠上第一!我们总共吃了8个鸡排于10 天之旅呢!

士林夜市(2次), 华西街观光夜市, 逢甲夜市。
吃过的包括:炭烤玉米 (99),卤味(80),爱玉冰(30),花枝丸(35),猪血糕(30),葱油饼(10),柳橙汁(40),炸鸡排(50),豪大炸鸡排(50),综合煎(40),木瓜牛奶(30),豆花粉圆(25),重口味面线(35),大肠包小肠(35),大饼包小饼(25),牛肉面(80),花枝羹(40),凯撒小盒子(35),西瓜汁(25),锅贴(30),深坑臭豆腐(50),豆腐冰淇淋(30),羊奶酪(50),红豆冰(50),法式牛奶冰(60),花生卷加冰淇淋(30), 铁路便当(80),7-11便当(69)。。。