Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Anniversary Celebration

When reaching the entrance...

One of the waiter offering help to capture the photo... but in the end, it is so blurrr

2 stupid engineers were trying to snap the photos using mirror effect but with flash ON...

This one better d... hehe...

Still the same Terry - ordering beef noodle when having buffet style... really full le...

Happy Anniversary~~

Ending photos taken at the outside of restaurant

Small Wu Shi decoration inside the restaurant for CNY...

A gift for him~

Yes, there is a gift for you - for our anniversary one...
Let's start the game and search for this at our house ya... hehe...
Happy 5th Year Anniversary Patohing~~

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Good bye..take care

晚上十一点,Bit Sean 与 Gin, 带着大包小包的东西,塞满了整车,疲惫的驾凌。他们已从槟岛退了租,星期六将是为他们办的小小饯别烧烤晚会。当然,难免的,家里的三个小瓜(Coco, Lucas & Sam) 高兴得不得了,又跳又叫的,他们的热情,也真的吓着了我们的客人。

梳洗完毕,出发享用港式早餐,然后就到邻近的Tesco Extra 购买晚上食物和用具。两位女士打算合力“弄“一个烘焙式Cheese Cake, 而我们男士只配担任那些担担抬抬的“苦力”。
魔鬼鱼,羊角豆,番薯,Satay, 冰其铃,鱼丸,热狗,Otak-otak, 西瓜,玉蜀黍,Cheese Nuggets, 汽水, Cheese Cake 材料,火炭, 冰,纸碗杯,垃圾袋.....


厨房忙得不可开交,当一切准备就绪时,已经是傍晚六时了,Cheese Cake 似模似样,味道还不赖,我把火升了,在家前加装了一盏照明 灯, 也把Coco 它们安置好了。渐渐,妃的同事也陆陆 续续的到了。其中也带来了晚上的主角---鸡翼,羊扒,牛扒 & 色酒。
夜晚就在烧烤声中,谈话声中,吃喝声中,笑骂声中 溜走。 十一时, 烧烤会结束, 大伙儿转战屋内。 唱K, 玩劈酒游戏。Coco , Sam & Lucas 也全程哭闹,它们想与大哥哥姐姐们一同玩乐吧。
深夜时,大家似乎也累了,但也没忘记拍了许多合照。当屋内只剩下我们四个时,我们也赶紧收拾残局。互 道晚安。这时,那三个哭闹宝宝也都呼呼大睡了。

用过早餐后,也到了正式道别的时候了。在Coco 它们行为上没有感觉到一丝的不舍,我想它们还以为这两个友善亲切的大哥哥姐姐会在近期内回来再和它们大玩一场吧,但我在妃眼里看到了一阵失落。

To Bit Sean and Gin:
The trip to KK was no doubt great, as I got to know both of you. It's memorable yet relaxing experience having you as travel companion.
The BBQ event at our house was a success one(that's what Fei told me, that's what Bit Sean told her too). Having both of you at our house really made our days! 
Thanks for the help during the preparation, and cleaning after the event. 
Thanks for tolerating Coco/Sam's behavior during your visit, not forgetting thanks for walking them early in the morning. I guess they really like you alot. (face licking was the sign)
Thanks for showing me the courage, and making a point that there are a lot more things we can chase after, besides being a "slave" working in MNC.

And to Bit Sean:
Thanks for being Fei's best friends during these 3 years. I listened to Fei talking about the daily events you both went through almost everyday. Hence I can feel this strong sense of absense within Fei once she told me you decide to leave. Well..what can I say.. the friendship between you and Fei touches me. 

We knew you guys mostly won't able to make it to our wedding. But I guess you guys will volunteer to be a host if we decided to visit UK, right?